Respect draft settings

Apart from the pattern options that you configure for your pattern, all FreeSewing patterns have a set of draft settings that can be tweaked by the user.

While many of these will automatically be handled by FreeSewing, there are some that you will need to take into account while developing your pattern. They are:


The complete setting is a boolean that is either true or false.

Its goal is to determine whether we should draft a complete pattern which includes elements such as seam allowance lines, labels, and markings for buttons and notches, or if the pattern should include the part outlines only.

It is your job when developing your pattern to ensure that the pattern checks the complete setting and includes or omits the appropriate elements based on the setting’s value.


The paperless setting is a boolean that is either true or false.

A paperless pattern is a pattern that has extra dimension markings so users can trace or transfer the pattern onto fabric or paper without having the need to print it.

It is your job when developing your pattern to ensure that the pattern checks the paperless setting and includes or omits the dimensions based on the setting’s value.

Seam allowance

The sa setting is a number that controls the seam allowance width.

Unless sa is zero, patterns are drafted with seam allowance lines included.

It is your job when developing your pattern to ensure that the pattern checks the sa setting and includes or omits the seam allowance lines based on the setting’s value.

Use a multiple of sa for your hem allowance

Resist the temptation to use an absolute value for any seam allowance, including at the hem.

Instead, always use a multiple of the sa value. This will help to ensure that the seam allowances will scale to appropriate values when the pattern is scaled up or down to giant or doll sizes.


To respect the complete, paperless, and sa draft settings, structure your parts as such:

export default function(part
) {
  let { complete, sa, paperless } = part.shorthand()
  // Your paths and points here

  if (complete) {
    // Your snippets, text, helplines and so on here
    if (sa) {
      // Your seam allowance here

    if (paperless) {
      // Your dimensions

  return part